Saturday 26 May 2012

It's the heart

In life, there are a lot of things to do, some easy, some hard. For example, it's easy to fall in love, it's hard to let go a person.

But, when we are facing the hard stage, are we capable enough to deal with it? A lot of times, we feel weak, especially doing things unwillingly. You hope to get a better result. Your love one doesn't love you in return, obviously the best way is to let go, but it seems hard because you are not willing to do so. You feel weak, unfair, because you want things to end up your way. It's hard to accept the fact that, the person who used to love you, doesn't love you anymore. It's like something stabbing your heart. I know. I know. It's sad, unacceptable.

But hey, face the reality, be conscious. If someone who doesn't love you or appreciate you anymore, it's not worth of your time to waste on it. Stop spending your time on realizing the pain but spend time on recovering.

Stop being insecure, low self esteem, sad or hurt. Look! One person doesn't love you doesn't mean that the whole world dislike you. One thing for sure is God loves you! Your family love you!

Making yourself look pathetic doesn't help you from recovering.

A heart of gratitude and confident is a heart who automatically attracts people. So in order to make people fall in love with you, you have to first fall in love with yourself.

Remember, no matter how unwilling you are or how hard it is, God is here to help you, and He has a better plan for you.

I can do all things through Christ who
strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13 NKJV)


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